RL.1.10b and RI.1.10b – Predictions

Regal Tutors Owl predictions

Aligned with California’s first-grade reading standards RL.1.10b and RI.1.10b, these three worksheets invite students to flex their prediction muscles! They give students opportunities to make and confirm guesses about what will unfold next in a text. Two are for fiction stories, and the other one is for informational text. They have two to five multiple-choice questions each.

RL.1.10b: Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text.

RI.1.10b: Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text.

You can transform your students’ learning experiences with these three worksheets that doubles as superhero tools for assessment missions and extra practice adventures.

Download these predictions worksheets!

Predictions First Grade
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You can buy these two worksheets by clicking on the purchase button below for only $1.44, or you can buy it from our TPT Store. It’s the same price either way, but TPT takes a pretty big cut if you buy them from them. You can find other language arts resources for your students on our English Language Arts page!