en español level 3 free online resources

These are links to ¡En español! Level 3 activities. By following the links, you can find Level 3 flashcards, quizzes, games and worksheets!  

We made the Quizlet and Teachers Pay Teachers activities specifically for this Level 3 textbook.  The Quia resources were also made specifically for this Level 3 textbook.  The rest of the activities aren’t made specifically for this book, but do a great job in covering the same concepts!

¡En español! Level 3 Master Bundle
Downloadable Packet
Vocal Chart Blank Graphic Organizer Spanish
Printable Blank Chart

If you have more links to add for level 3, please e-mail Marci@RegalLessons.com.


quia vocabulario games
Online Games
spanish daily routines
Online Game
en español level 3 verb review
Online Game
en español level 3 culture quizlet etapa preliminar
Spanish quizlet vocabulario
Regal Tutors Teachers Pay Teachers Spanish Worksheets
Teachers Pay Teachers
Schedule a Tutor Regal Tutors
In-Person or Virtual


Unidad 1

quia vocabulario games
Online Games
quia to be and to go verbs spanish
Online Game
Spanish preterite vs imperfect
Online Quiz
Spanish quizlet vocabulario
Regal Tutors Teachers Pay Teachers Spanish Worksheets
Teachers Pay Teachers
Schedule a Tutor Regal Tutors
In-Person or Virtual
quia vocabulario games
Online Games
quia por vs para
Online Game
spanish dictionary por vs para
Online Game
verbs like gustar
Online Game
study spanish por vs para
Online Quiz
quizlet por vs para
Spanish quizlet vocabulario
Regal Tutors Teachers Pay Teachers Spanish Worksheets
Teachers Pay Teachers
Schedule a Tutor Regal Tutors
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quia vocabulario games
Online Games
vocabulario games 2
Online Games
Spanish quizlet vocabulario
Regal Tutors Teachers Pay Teachers Spanish Worksheets
Teachers Pay Teachers
Schedule a Tutor Regal Tutors
In-Person or Virtual


Unidad 2

madatos informales negativos
Online Game
Spanish quizlet vocabulario
Regal Tutors Teachers Pay Teachers Spanish Worksheets
Teachers Pay Teachers
Schedule a Tutor Regal Tutors
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quia vocabulario games
Online Games
Spanish quizlet vocabulario
Regal Tutors Teachers Pay Teachers Spanish Worksheets
Teachers Pay Teachers
Schedule a Tutor Regal Tutors
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reposa de gramatica en espanol level 3
Online Game
Spanish quizlet vocabulario
Regal Tutors Teachers Pay Teachers Spanish Worksheets
Teachers Pay Teachers
Schedule a Tutor Regal Tutors
In-Person or Virtual



Unidad 3

It’s all about that subjunctive!

quia vocabulario games
Online Games
quiz subjunctive phrases spanish
Online Game
quiz imperfecto del subjuntivo
Online Game
subjunctive vs indicative 1 spanish
Online Quiz
imperfect subjunctive basic spanish
Online Quiz
imperfect subjunctive stem-change spanish
Online Quiz
subjunctive vs indicative 2 spanish
Online Quiz
Spanish quizlet vocabulario
Regal Tutors Teachers Pay Teachers Spanish Worksheets
Teachers Pay Teachers
Schedule a Tutor Regal Tutors
In-Person or Virtual
spanish doubt subjunctive
Online Quiz
Spanish quizlet vocabulario
Regal Tutors Teachers Pay Teachers Spanish Worksheets
Teachers Pay Teachers
Schedule a Tutor Regal Tutors
In-Person or Virtual


quia vocabulario games
Online Games
spanish all subjunctive
Online Game
spanish if clauses
Online Game
more subjunctive vs indicative
Online Game
spanish conditional
Online Quiz
Spanish quizlet vocabulario
Regal Tutors Teachers Pay Teachers Spanish Worksheets
Teachers Pay Teachers
Schedule a Tutor Regal Tutors
In-Person or Virtual


Unidad 4

spanish present progressive
Online Quiz
spanish questions
Online Quiz
Spanish quizlet vocabulario
Regal Tutors Teachers Pay Teachers Spanish Worksheets
Teachers Pay Teachers
Schedule a Tutor Regal Tutors
In-Person or Virtual
spanish conditional perfect
Online Game
spanish past perfect subjunctive
Online Game
spanish negation
Online Quiz
Spanish quizlet vocabulario
Regal Tutors Teachers Pay Teachers Spanish Worksheets
Teachers Pay Teachers
Schedule a Tutor Regal Tutors
In-Person or Virtual
Spanish quizlet vocabulario
muchos idiomas
Regal Tutors Teachers Pay Teachers Spanish Worksheets
Teachers Pay Teachers
Schedule a Tutor Regal Tutors
In-Person or Virtual


Unidad 5

Spanish quizlet vocabulario
vocabulario descubre
Regal Tutors Teachers Pay Teachers Spanish Worksheets
Teachers Pay Teachers
Schedule a Tutor Regal Tutors
In-Person or Virtual
Spanish quizlet vocabulario
Schedule a Tutor Regal Tutors
In-Person or Virtual

Etapa 2: Las Civilizaciones Precolombianas English Translation and Quizlet

The Meeting of Two Worlds
Las Civilizaciones precolombinas En español level 3

The year is 1518 in the European calendar. Mysterious boats arrived at the Mexican Atlantic coast. A native went to tell the emperor, Moctezuma. He was the ruler of the Aztec Empire, a pre-Columbian civilization.

Hernán Cortés (1485-1547) had arrived in Mexico. He was a Spanish conquistador. He followed the example of Christopher Columbus who opened the way between Europe and America in 1492. Bernal Díaz del Castillo (1492-1584), a young conquistador, came with Cortés. For Bernal, and the rest of the Europeans, it was a New World. That is the name that the Europeans gave to America.


Bernal, who was also a chronicler, wrote, “On the one hand there were large cities… and more in the lagoon… and we saw it was full of canoes… and ahead was the grand Mexico City.”

The Spanish were impressed to see the Aztec city Tenochtitlán. When Moctezuma and the Aztecs received the Spanish, they brought them to the Grand Temple. The temple had various grand pyramids. But the peace between the Spanish and the Aztecs did not last long. Soon there was a war and the Spanish conquered the Aztecs. After the Spanish victory, Tenochtitlán disappeared under European buildings. In 1978, people found ruins of the Grand Temple that can be seen today in Mexico City.

The Mayan Libraries

At the same time, in the Yucatán Peninsula and Central America, the religious Mayan men wrote the books Chilam Balam y Popol Vuh. They used hieroglyphics, a complicated system to write. The hieroglyphics described three thousand years of Mayan village history and beliefs. Today the archaeologists continue to decipher the hieroglyphic writing with mysterious codes.

The Weavers of the Heights of Chiapa

Textiles are a native tradition. The women of Mayan descent keep the tradition alive. They learn the techniques to make the textiles from their mothers and teach them to their daughters. The images in their weaving reflect Mayan designs of 1200 years.

The Incas, another advanced native civilization, established an empire in the South American Pacific Coast. In the decade of 1530, the Incan Atahualpa era had a government named “son of the sun.” Francisco Pizarro (1478-1541) and other conquistadors arrived in Cuzco. They fought for gold and other pre-Hispanic valuables that the Incas had made before the arrival of the Spanish. The Incas built cities like Machu Picchu, a masterpiece of pre-Columbian architecture.

las civilizaciones precolombianas en español level 3
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Spanish quizlet vocabulario
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In-Person or Virtual


Unidad 6

I’ve never had a student reach Level 3 Unidad 6.  If your class is there, e-mail Marci@RegalLessons.com, and I’ll make or find some more resources for you.


Level 3 Lancey Final Quizlet

Palos Verdes high school lancet final quizlet


Beyond ¡En español! Level 3…

Do you like these Level 3 activities?  Well, we also have activities for Level 1 and Level 2!


Book a private tutor!

Hi! My name is Marci, and I created this page. I’m available for at-your-home Spanish tutoring for students living in Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, and Redondo Beach. If you live outside the area, I’m happy to work with you virtually. To see my availability and schedule a tutoring session, please use the booking plug-in below!


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